Words From The Chairman

I am pleased to renew my meeting with you, and as every year, I thank you for your continued support, which is the first incentive for benefits to continue progress, and as we are accustomed to meeting together through this annual meeting to evaluate the performance of the past year and highlight the most important achievements that the company has achieved this year, which would not have been possible without your precious trust. Which constitutes the backbone of our giving and our continuity, as this year we faced difficult challenges and choices that we were able to keep up with by following conservative strategies and policies. I hope to meet with you in the coming year, God willing, in order to achieve and maintain the expected growth of the company. Our vision is to become the global leader in our industry, and set standards. New innovation and sustainability. We will achieve this by staying ahead of market trends, investing in research and development, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement. Our goal is to be recognized as a provider of cutting-edge solutions that exceed customer expectations

Chairman of Board of Directors

Engineer / Karm Ibrahim Shehata